

Jun 25, 2024

For several years, the all-female legal group, Association des Juristes Senegalaises, has been offering workshops at the Foyer de Jeunes Filles.

Meet Jessica Emmanuel Hessouh and Awa Tounkara, two lawyers from the Association des Juristes Senegalaises. Through Le Korsa's partnership with AJS, these women have mentored both the high school students of the Foyer in Tambacounda and the university students at the Foyer in Dakar. They have hosted several workshops, equipping the girls with knowledge about their personal rights, gender equality, civil status, and violence against children. Partnering with civil service organizations such as AJS allow us to extend the education the Foyer students receive, and to introduce them to women in the legal profession. Le Korsa's partnership with AJS also extends to the broader community. In Tambacounda, we have helped AJS host office hours where women could receive free legal consultations, or learn more about their rights.