Women's Community Farms
Working together to improve life in Senegal
Who We Are
Le Korsa is a 501(c)(3) American nonprofit organization, founded in 2005, devoted to improving life in Senegal. In Pulaar, a predominant language in the Tambacounda region where we mostly work, “korsa” means “love from respect.”
We succeed because of the wonderful participation of doctors, teachers, students and community leaders who work tirelessly on behalf of their country.
We are an officially registered NGO in Senegal. We have an affiliate organization in France that accepts tax-deductible donations, and we are also accredited in the United Kingdom and Ireland.
Minimal Means, Maximum Effect
Donations to Le Korsa go directly to our projects in Senegal, from digging wells to buying academic supplies to helping patients receive medical care.
Le Korsa and the Albers Foundation
Anni and Josef Albers believed that the pleasures of seeing are universal and timeless. The many voices of color, the palpable thrill of geometric form, have helped offset the difficulties of earthly existence for all people in all time periods.
The enhancement of life, for everyone, mattered more to Anni and Josef than did their own individual pasts, issues of nationalism or race, or artistic doctrine. When the Albers Foundation created Le Korsa, it was because we knew that the real legacy of Anni and Josef was their wish for people everywhere to savor existence. The Alberses felt themselves to be the spiritual heirs of all people with the capacity to know the miracle of life, whether the women with back strap looms weaving vibrant textiles in ninth century Peru, or the men who piled stones and constructed the soaring vaults of Gothic cathedrals. By working directly with doctors and teachers and our other partners in some of the most isolated villages of rural Senegal as well as some of the poorest communities in Dakar, we are doing our best to fulfill the Alberses’ dream of opening eyes.